From Monserrat Pons this is a very ancient variety. Mig Paratjal The fig tree is planted at Son Mut Nou, and mother and fig tree cultivation is located in Son
Rengo, Campos. We do not know the date of plantacién, but the Erbol is in very good condition, both for production and your Site description.
The Erbol reaches a high mediano- favorable development land, with a long, clear branches, sparse foliage, produces two crops, the first of figs in June, not too much, not very good, there is even not the mature years. Nearly half in both thickness and weight the second crop, matured in August, quite tasty and appreciated.
Brevas and figs are spherical, something scenic large, symmetrical in shape and uniform in dimensions, of a glossy dark green color with white spots pequefias in the epidermis, a cracked fine longitudinal and scarce, and ribs quite marked. They have a low percentage of fruits rigged, and have no abnormal growths. The flesh is bright red. The second August harvest figs are very sweet yjugoso, figs are less sweet and tasty, achenes are tamafio middleweight and also in moderate amount. Both figs as figs drop of honey present in the ostiole. They are of medium consistency, texture waiting have good peelability and medium to abscisién the pedtflnculo, quite resistant to transportation, very senslbles to rains and the opening of ostiole, low susceptibility to detachment. The leaves are lobed and unilobadas lesser extent, mérgenes jagged little cut, little noticeable hairiness, and with an obtuse Angle petiole.
The variety MIG-PARATJAL originated in fields where it is known and cultivated.
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