About ProFig

  We at ProFig started our fig journey in 2014. What started as just a hobby quickly got out of hand and before we knew it, we had hundreds of fig varieties. The original goal was to find the best tasting figs to be grown in our area. So, between many years of trial and error, we have found some very uniquely flavored figs. From black cherry to tart raspberry, we have collected many amazingly tasting figs. But our figs looked and tasted different from others growing that same variety. The reason being, we live in a very specific area where the small pollinating wasp resides. In fact, the Central Valley is the only area in the ENTIRE United States where this unique wasp lives. So, what exactly does this little insect do? It supercharges the figs through pollination, making them bigger, juicier and sweeter. Most people have tried figs but most have not tried caprified (pollinated) figs. 

In 2018, after showing photos of these amazing looking figs online (Facebook, forums, etc), I was getting inundated with requests for fresh figs. However, shipping truly ripe and fresh figs to customers had never been successfully achieved before. This was truly cavalier and would take lots of experimenting. Fast forward to 2019 – we finally found a process that keeps the figs fresh through transport and to your doorstep. The reviews were amazing! We were overwhelmed by the success and decided to expand. We planted a few hundred of our best varieties last year. Currently, the trees are growing quickly and we hope to provide fresh figs in 2021! We do have more established trees planted at our house which we will be using as well this year. 

 But wait, there is more! We are also going to offer Fig trees, Fig Cuttings and our new line of fig jams, fig barbeques sauces, fig balsamic, blueberry fig balsamic, raspberry  tarragon fig balsamic, dehydrated figs and cooking seasonings. Everything fig!

Lastly, we will offer various Japanese Maples, Dogwoods and other deciduous trees.