

Figue de Sollies AOP

Original price was: $40.00.Current price is: $35.00.

13 in stock


Figue De Sollies ( FDS) is a special black fig cultivar of France.It is cultivated in Sollies South region of France. This variety is recognized under AOP ( appelletion d’origene protegee) or a protected designation of origin under the name of FIGUE DE SOLLIES,under this label it must come from Sollies region of France.
These figs are large in size ( approximately 80-130 gm)as the plant get matured. It is sweet with alot of cherry and berry flavors. These cuttings originated from the current (FDS) farmer known as Ravifruit. Here is a link to a video that talks about this variety. So far two collectors are observing a different growth pattern then VDS. Possibly a different fig hidden in the region of Sollies.  From a trusted source. Does not require pollination.




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